- 1Open your Macromedia Flash and click on Flash Document in Create new category.
- 2Press "v" and click on the grey space , then in the Properties click on Size:550 x 400 pixels button on the top of the Publish: settings . If the Properties windows is not open, Press Ctrl + F3 or go to window\Properties\Properties and check it.
- 3Change your workspace size to 800 X 600 and press OK.
- 4Now We're gonna set a background for our Website:
- Create a Layer and name it as background-image (the name is Optimal and you can any name you want) - check the tips if you don't know how.
- Press Ctrl + R to insert your image or go to Files \ Import \ Import to library and the drag it to your stage.
- Remember that your background image must be in 800 X 600.
- Put your image's location on x=0 , y=0 to fit it on the stage.
- As we have nothing to do with this layer from now... lock it. (Click on the dot which is under the lock image in the Timeline window.)
- Note that to change your image size, open it with Photoshop, Press Ctrl + Alt + I then disable the Constrain Proportions and change your image size to 800 X 600 Pixels.(more in Tips and warnings sections)
- 5Create the button for your website's parts.
- 6Open your Photoshop and do the following:
- Create a new image in 120 X 120
- Press "W" and click on stage.
- Press click on Eraser, then Right click on it and choose "Background Eraser tool"
- Erase the whole stage.
- Choose the shape tool then right click on it and choose "Rounded Rectangle Tool".
- Create a shape on your stage and change the color to black. (The color is Optimal).
- 7Put highlights on the button open your Photoshop and do the following:
- Click on the stage and OK the Massage.
- Press "M" and make a rectangle which take the half of our button.
- click on Gradient tool , if it's on Paint Bucket tool , right click on it and change it to Gradient tool.
- Change the Opacity to 17%.
- Choose the white color.( some color which is antonym with Black or color you have chosen)
- Now color the rectangle with the Gradient tool for once or twice.
- press "M" and click on stage to dis select the rectangle.
- Press Ctrl + Shift + S and Save your file in .PNG format.
- 8My Button: ( don't add text, we will add it in Macromedia Flash)
- 9Add the buttons to your work:
- Go back to Macromedia Flash
- Create a Layer (top of the Background , other wise the content of the Layer will not show) and name it "button" ( The name is optimal)
- Press Ctrl + R to import the button for the first time after that the image will be saved into your library and you can drag it from library to stage.
- I have inserted 5 buttons
- Set the location of buttons as : Y=18(for All buttons) and x= 137.0 - 244,0 - 351,0 - 458,0 -565,0
- 10Now we have to add the text:
- Press "t".
- Choose your Font Face.(like Arial)
- Choose your Font size as 20.
- The Choices are optimal.Chosen by me (Home, Downloads, Wallpapers, About us, Contact us)
- Set the location of each text as : y= 64 (for all) , x= 280 - 170,0 - 385,0 - 489,0 - 600
- 11To test your work press Ctrl + Enter
- 12We are gonna make these buttons change to anther color when we bring mouse over them.
- First we need to create another button as pressed in Photoshop.
- Open your button.
- Press "M"
- Select all your button.
- choose the normal brush and change the Opacity to 80%.
- Change the color of your brush to Black and color the whole button for twice.
- Press Ctrl + Shift + S and save it as Pressed in .PNG format.
- 13Go back to your Macromedia:
- Create a new Layer in the top of the Button Layer.
- Insert the Pressed buttons to your stage and give them the same location as buttons which you have inserted.
- add the texts and give them the same locations as the texts which you have created. you can also cope & paste them too(only for text)
- 14Make buttons useful:
- Choose your pressed button.
- Right click on it.
- Choose "convert to Symbol"
- Choose button and the name of symbol is up to you!
- Press OK
- double click on your symbol.
- drag the Keyframe from "UP" to "Over".
- double click on stage to get back.
- Do this for all buttons.
- 15Now we're gonna give this button links.
- Open the "Behavior window" by pressing "Shift + F3"
- Now click on your button ( pressed button which is in some kinda blue color).
- As you have selected the button , click on the Blue Plus button in the Behavior window.
- Choose "Web" from list and write your link.
- You can also choose the window open in which window.(_blank, _same, ...)
- Open the scripting windows and change release to press.
- Do this for all the buttons.
- 16Now let's make our website look better.
- Go to your Photoshop
- Create a new image in 548 X 320
- Erase the background
- Choose the paint bucket tool and set the Opacity as 44% and change the color to black.
- Fill the background for twice or once.
- Save it as .PNG
- Create a new layer on the top of the all layers.
- Now add it to your Work in this location: x=137 , y=138 px
- Write your content on it.
- 17
- 18This Step is important.
- Create a new Layer on the top of all layers. Whether if you want to add a new layer must be under the layer.
- As you know you have to add a keyframe for each website page.
- Add nothing to this layer and keep it empty
- on this layer add empty keyframe on the keyframes which contains your pages.
- Add this script to your empty keyframes: stop(); ( click on the keyframe , on the properties windows , clock on the arrow which is on the question mark)
- 19Do the final designs:
- In Macromedia flash
- Choose rectangle tool.
- delete the border.( Click on the pencil then click on no color)
- set Fill color as Black.
- Make your rectangle
- Change w to 800 and h to 100.
- set the position as [x=0,y=500]
- 20You could also add some other images and website's logo and some texts like privacy, .... to your website.
- 21Now it's time to publish our website.
- Press "V" and click on the grey stage.
- Choose "Publish settings".
- On the window which appear choose "Formats" on the top of the window.
- Check the ".HTML" .
- Click on "Publish"
- 22Now you have published your HTML page. We have to make this website to fit to any screen.
- Open the Html Code with Notepad or Wordpad.
- Find this code:
- <object codeBase=",0,0,0" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="480" height="125"><embed class="misspell" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="flashmovie.swf" pluginspage="" ><="" object="">
- 23Replace the red codes with the previous code:
- 100%" height="100%"> 100%" height="100%" SCALE="exactfit" pluginspage="" />
- 24Finish